Annual Conferences
Each year in winter, BBC hosts the Queensland Reformed Baptist Family Conference, where like-minded churches and believers gather for a weekend of Biblical preaching and Christian fellowship at a Conference Centre on the Sunshine Coast. BBC also hosts a weekend conference called ‘Thrive’. Thrive Conference is usually held early in the calendar year in our North Ipswich property and is designed to provide focused instruction to assist the Berean Church as well as other Christians. Recent Thrive themes have included: Christian Marriage, Money, and Gender.

Church Library
Our church library exists to provide sound Christian literature and media for the members and regular attendees of the Berean congregation. There are currently over 1750 books and media resources available covering the categories of Biblical, theological and Christian living studies, as well as children’s books and numerous biographies.
Personal Witness
Believing the Great Commission was given to the church (Matthew 28:16-20), we encourage our members to evangelise by making freely available Bibles and gospel tracts for them to distribute in their personal witnessing.
Social Media
We view social media as a useful link to church members and contacts in the community (local and afar) where we share Scripture verses, edifying quotes, invites to and announcements of public church events, links to recent sermons uploaded to YouTube and photos and news of recent church events. BBC regularly uploads sermons and special conference events to our YouTube channel. We regard this forum as a God-given platform to proclaim the gospel ‘to the ends of the earth’ and encourage friends, at home and abroad, to subscribe to our channel, whilst not neglecting their own local church.
Berean Benevolent Bears (BB Bears)
Members and friends of BBC seek to demonstrate the love of Christ in our local area by the knitting of teddy bears (Berean Benevolent Bears) for distribution in the Children’s Wards of two local hospitals, along with a BBC-produced Bible Colouring Book.
Tract Distribution

Several times a year a group of BBC members engage in leaflet distribution into local letter boxes of our city – we desire every resident of Ipswich to receive the gospel.
Market Stall
From time to time, we have opportunity to provide a literature stall in our local community. Currently, our main outreach location is the Ipswich Showground’s Twilight Markets, where we give away Bibles and gospel literature and seek to engage in gospel conversations. Woodwork Scripture art and Christian literature are available for purchase.

Church Sign

We have been blessed with a large sign, upon which weekly texts of Scripture are displayed – this is viewable by thousands of passing pedestrians and vehicles.
Christian Compassion Ministries (CCM)
BBC operates as the Australian Representative for Christian Compassion Ministries (CCM), a benevolent ministry of the Cubao Reformed Baptist Church, Manila. One of our members co-ordinates this ministry.